“A” became the head of the state “B” in 1954 as a result of a CIA orchestrated coup and continued to rule the country till 1957. “C republic” is a pejorative term that refers to a politically unstable country dependent upon limited primary productions, a term applicable to “B” as well; a country located in Central Americas whose main export is “C”. “D”, a US corporation that traded in tropical fruits (primarily C), convinced the then US administration to support the coup in 1954 which resulted in the ascension of “A” to power.
As a political science term “C republic” was first used by one Mr. Porter, a writer who is widely known by the nom-de-plume “E”, whose works are well known for their wit, wordplay, warm characterization and clever endings. Among his famous works is “F”, a story about a young couple who sells their most valuable possessions to buy each other Christmas gifts.
“G” is the only chief of government in the history of the country to have been imprisoned after holding that office, till date, and also holds a gender specific record related to that post. “G” continued to hold the office till “H”. Opponents of “G” used to criticize “G” for dictatorial tendencies, and coincidently “H” is the name of a dystopian fiction written by “I” about a society ruled by an oligarchic dictatorship.
“H” and his other famous work “J”, a satirical novella, are marked by keen intelligence and wit, a profound awareness of social injustice, an intense opposition to totalitarianism and a belief in democratic socialism
“K” was the head of state of “L” from 1997 till 2001, a state located in Central Africa, the most populous among the countries where French is adopted as an official language. Interestingly, “M”, an Argentine revolutionary, physician, author, intellectual, guerrilla leader, diplomat and military theorist whose stylized visage has become a ubiquitous countercultural symbol of rebellion and global insignia within popular culture, had assisted “K” for a short time in 1965. In “M”’s view, of all of the people he met during his campaign in “L”, “K” was the only man who had "genuine qualities of a mass leader" but castigated him for a lack of "revolutionary seriousness".
“N” was a businessman and politician who served as the governor of a province in the neighboring country of “G” from 2008 till 2011, whose views on the country’s blasphemy laws had irked the conservatives of the country. “N” was a trusted aide of “O”, who also held a gender specific record as the chief of Government of “P”. “O”’s father “Q” had signed a famous agreement in 1972 with “G”, popularly known as “R agreement”, followed from the war between the two nations in the previous year that had led to the independence of “S”.
Interestingly, the newly elected government of the state “T” in the neighboring country of “S” has been pondering over a nominal modification in the name of the state. One motivation put forth for making this change is that usually, at the conclusion of any national seminar, there are very few people left to hear representatives of this state. Others would argue that the change is long overdue as the current name ceased to remain relevant from the incidents that resulted in independence of “S”. Diverting a little bit, “U”, from state “T” has penned "V", the national anthem of “S”.
“W” was a prominent politician in the country “X” and half-brother of “Y”, the current head of the country “X”. The country “X” is the fourth most populous land locked country in the world and due to its important geostrategic location has witnessed many military conquests since antiquity. Amusingly, “L” also would have been classified as a landlocked country, if not for a 40 km coastline, as “L” was given a thin piece of land cutting through Angola connecting it to the sea by the Conference of Berlin in 1885.
Z is the connect between A, G, K, N & W. The picture may give a clue….
1 comment:
HARI _ received by mail
A: Absolutely no idea. (Do you really expect any one know this answer?????????)
B: Guatemala
C: Banana republic
D: United Fruit Company
E: O Henry
F: Gift of magie
G: Indira Gandhi/India
I: George Orwell
J: Animal Farm
K: Laurent Kabila
L: Democratic Republic of Congo
M: Chii Guevera ( a mass murderer)
N: Salman Tasheer Guv of Pakisthan Punjab
O: Benazir Bhutto
P: Pakisthan
Q: Zulfikar Ali Bhutto
R: Simla agreement
S: Bangladesh ( I prefer Bungle desh)
T: West Bengal
U: Rabindranath Tagore
V: Amar Sonar Bangla (National anthem of 'Bungle' desh)
W: Ahmed Wali Karzai
X: Afganisthan
Y: Hamid Karzai
Z: Bodyguard (all the above mentioned prominent politicians were killed by their bodyguards)
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